Debora De Canio

Lucanian is born and remains.

I saw my practice evolving into a total hand made representation of the concept. Material exploration helped to create a direction in handcrafting the concept never experimented before.
Eggshells in this case supported every turn or evolution of my idea, which is constantly tuning according to the information I find.
The idea is to represent into a physical exhibition a series of pieces which drive the imagination and the reading of the whole project trough symbols and idols I have.
These are the result of the hybridization between elements of ancient cults, which are built on archetypes that are still able to communicate in the modern world.
The choice of the eggshells as crafting material was something at the beginning related to a sustainable crafting practice but later I have discovered also that the so called witches use to craft things themselves too using the same mixture.
All the idols and thing I represented want to give an ideal image of the region I was born, as know at this point of the course as a land where the ancient traditions, culture and practice live together with the progress, with the industry.
What is crucial today is the fact the despite the progress those structures that mark out the old society are still present, they just got a different configuration. In fact, why a demon still scares today as before? The audience I target to is the one curious to explore the cultural mechanism of the society, not just straight forward stories of people and event but those which are looking for a larger picture to depict some aspects of the world.
Despite the world is a complex structure of systems and subsystems the hints I want to give are a solid base to start for further explorations, inquiries. So, from the micro of the region the fil rouge with similar situation all over the world is a real thing.
What makes the connection is the evolution, the progress, so, Basilicata is one of the examples of the dynamics occurring between communities, rurality, and industrialization.
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