Un pipe dream
And I say fuck you.
I keep my bad intentions, I don’t get better.
They blabbed that it would be better, but I was vague like a refugee and my feet are starting to look bad.
I wonder if these people feel God-kissed for their beautiful fucking lives.
I say fuck you, other refugees like me don’t even have anger, I know that this will take me far. It won’t kill me, because I’ve learned to take care of my feelings, I just need my music, a story etched under my skin, my hysterical friendships and my family in hell.
I don’t seek revenge, I won’t become
a kamikaze, I have no interest in bringing someone into shit with me, but I would like to say, let me understand in peace.
I want to keep my bad intentions, without improving myself, for now, the party of forgiveness will not be done.
I say fuck off and say it as safe as I can.